A complete list of phone numbers and extensions may be found by clicking on the following link:
Phone Directory List with Extensions
Office | Address | Telephone Number | Fax Number |
Superintendent | 800 E. Jackson | (870) 238-5020 | (870) 238-5011 |
Assistant Superintendent | 1300 N. Falls | (870) 238-5030 | (870) 238-5033 |
High School Principal | 800 E. Jackson | (870) 238-5070 | (870) 238-5009 |
Junior High Principal | 849 E. Eldridge | (870) 238-5040 | (870) 238-5043 |
Intermediate Principal | 1100 E. Bridges | (870) 238-5060 | (870) 238-5063 |
Primary Principal | 1500 N. Lemons | (870) 238-5050 | (870) 238-5053 |
Athletic Director | 800 E. Jackson | (870) 238-5070 | (870) 238-5011 |
Bus Shop | 1300 N. Falls | (870) 238-5030 | (870) 238-5033 |
Cafeteria Office | 800 E. Jackson | (870) 238-5020 | (870) 238-5011 |
Director of Special Education | 1300 N. Falls | (870) 238-5030 | (870) 238-5033 |
Parent Coordinator | 1500 N. Lemons | (870) 238-5050 | (870) 238-5053 |